becoming outlaws

Dr. Alveda King: Kings, Triumph and Tragedy

Dr. Alveda King discusses the assassinations of her uncle, Martin Luther King, Jr, her father, A.D. King, and her grandmother. She explains how she carries on the King’s civil rights legacy for the entire human race. Dr. King shares personal […]

Sandy Boyd: Transformed

She was dedicated to Satan as a child. God had other plans.

Santa. Bonus Material.

Santa sends Christmas greetings from the North Pole and shares the true meaning of Christmas.

Natasha Owens: Still Standing

After a misfire kills her father, Natasha spins into the depths of depression and questions her faith and God. Hear her story of how her renewed faith took her from darkness to standing tall and living life again. Natasha has […]

Sheree J. Wilson: Mercy

As a teen, actress Sheree J. Wilson experiences an overcoming presence and realizes God is real. She also shares her answered prayer for Mercy in the recent passing of her father. Sheree Julienne Wilson is an actress, producer, businesswoman, and […]

Jenn: Professional ExPsychic Medium Has a Divine Encounter

Jenn was told God gave her a gift to be a psychic. She was a professional psychic medium for years, feeling she was using her gift to help others. She was also involved in numerology, astrology, and divination until she […]