holy spirit

RATT Gets It. Stephen Pearcy.

Brad Hewitt: God is Calling

Fortune 500 CEO hears and follows God’s voice. Brad Hewitt was the CEO of a Fortune 300 company for 16 years. Hewitt also served a variety of organizations in various financial roles. In 1993, he was named CFO of Diversified […]

Nick Ohrdorf: A Force in the Flames

A firefighter looking for a young boy in a burning home is shoved and guided by an unseen force leading him to the child. Nick lived the ‘Fast Life’ straight to alcoholism and drug addiction. After encountering life-altering truths, he […]

Mohamad Faridi: Infidel

Mohamad Faridi, a devoted Muslim from Iran, was raided to be a martyr in Jihad to defend Islam. But God had a different plan. Mohamad Faridi’s YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/c/MohamadFaridi Join the Outlaw Community Facebook.com/becomingoutlaws www.becomingoutlaws.com Spotify (and all major podcast […]

Ide Viriya: NoWhere Man, Destination Nirvana

Ide, a former Buddhist monk, shares his incredible story of dark forces plaguing his life, causing fear and hopelessness. He lived the teachings of The Buddha and sought his Buddhist temple to no avail. In desperation and with nowhere else […]

Donovan Neal: The Stranger Who Knew Me

Donovan Neal, the spiritual science fiction author, shares three amazing stories of his personal divine encounters. donovanmneal.com