ken mcmullen

The Historical Jesus w/ Amanda Hope Haley

Jesus of Nazareth walking this Earth is a fact conceded by nearly all reliable scholars. ‘The Red-Haired Archeologist,’ Amanda Hope Haley, discusses the life and times of the most notable man in history.

Theory of Everything with Dr. Tom Rudelius

Tom discusses the quest by physicists for the ‘Theory of Everything,’ sometimes referred to as the ‘God Theory.’ Ken tries to keep up but needs clarification most of the time.

Dr. Alveda King: Kings, Triumph and Tragedy

Dr. Alveda King discusses the assassinations of her uncle, Martin Luther King, Jr, her father, A.D. King, and her grandmother. She explains how she carries on the King’s civil rights legacy for the entire human race. Dr. King shares personal […]

Becoming Outlaws Origin Interview. Bonus Material.

‘A Juicy Pear Podcast Starring Wendy’ discusses with Ken the origins of the ‘Becoming Outlaws’ podcast and about and some of his origin story. Ken shares how Bible is the most paranormal book man has ever gotten their hands on. […]

Sandy Boyd: Transformed

She was dedicated to Satan as a child. God had other plans.

Santa. Bonus Material.

Santa sends Christmas greetings from the North Pole and shares the true meaning of Christmas.